Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Couch to 5K Challenge/Training Day 1

Couch to 5K – Day 1 August 20th, 2012

I have to give mad props to all you runners out there... I don't know how you do it, but I'm sure learning and last nights run or day 1 of couch to 5k training was a battle, but we beat it. KC and I are doing this together... oh the crazy things we do together. You know other couples vacation together, go do some activity... we take on 'training' for a 5K....he is a great source of encouragement, and not just last night when the last 2 rounds of jog 90, walk 60 and I wanted to just be done, but any other time as well. Last night without him, I would have been done at that point, but he pushed me on. Needless to say I was so glad when the timer went off saying cool down... But we did it, we made it through day 1.

So my trials last night.... I've had so many issues with my ankles, I laced up my shoes with braces because I knew it was the best. The first jog/walk wasn't half bad... the 2nd one on the other hand, my feet started to 'burn'... but it was a good burn... that slowly went away after the 3rd and 4th rounds. It wasn't until the 2nd to last set that I just wanted to die...and you could tell at the end of the jog when you just wanted to stop, but KC kept saying to push through, it was done and on a walk... man it was worth it! I slept well last night! And today (day after) not as sore as I thought I might be...trust me I am somewhat sore, but as my Hiram Diving shirt said “Pain is just weakness leaving the body”... man I never was a “runner” before, but that makes so much more sense now than ever.

I may not be a fast runner, but this is a lifestyle change for the better. To be healthier, more active and a goal we are going to achieve together. I've always have said “i'm not a runner unless a bear is chasing me”, that is behind me, and behind us, because Wednesday is day 2 and I, and we will make it! And day 2's goal is to make it to day 3 and so on.
We made it through day 1 and it's on to day 2!